Monday, December 09, 2019

big ideas post - oxygen mask

Today my friend Kwellin called me up, she was feeling as if she should be doing more, helping more people (her job as a social worker is all about helping people who suffer from mental illness - no comments please about why she's friends with me....). She needs a lot of down time, as many people do, and fills some of that time with idle entertainment, books, magazines, Netflix, etc. and sometimes she feels guilty about it. But she needs downtime and I always liken this kind of self-care to those announcements they make on airplanes that . . . well, here:

You can't help others if you're not taking care of yourself first. Really. Self-care is not a luxury; it's essential and if you're looking for a brief indulgent creative interlude, check out this in-flight safety video from Virgin Airlines:!!

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