Saturday, April 13, 2013

Thought fragment and a related painting.

I've had a thought in my head for a week or so and it's this: ". . . not waste any time not appreciating how beautiful things are." Now, this is the thought. As is. I assume that by "things" I mean the world around me and it puts me in mind of a description from a precious little book I read 25 years ago: "the Tao of Pooh." In this book, sort of an introduction to Taoism through the story of Winnie the Pooh, the author tells of a painting called "The vinegar tasters." In this painting, three men are standing around a vat of vinegar. Each has dipped his finger into it and tasted and each of them has a different look on his face: as memory serves (it still sometimes does) the man representing Confucius has a sour look on his face, displeased with the bitter taste, the man representing Buddha has no look on his face at all, representing his liberation from the trappings of the physical life and the man representing Lao-tse, the founder of Taoism, has a big smile on his face, representing his joy in all the experiences to be had in the wonderful world around him. You can see why I connected this thought fragment with this painting I'd read about so long ago. Here's an image of it I found online:

And here's a little blurb about the painting from Wikipedia. Reading through it just now, it appears my memory served me up a mixture of the correct and the incorrect. Delightful.

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